
Are you interested in FREE Delivery in Mississauga, please fill out the form below with your address and what you are seeking to buy and we will get back to as soon as we can.
If you are in need of immediate assistance for anything else, please call us during operating hours, or email us by filling out the form below.
We look forward to hearing from you!
You can also email us directly by using the address below.
Email: sales@tunuphotsauce.com
Contact info
Hours of Operation: Monday To Saturday 9AM - 6PM
Call Us: 647-713-7685
Why Choose Us: We are the GTA's Best All Natural Tropical Flavoured Hot Sauce.
Bringing not only heat but flavour to all your dishes.
We are a 5 star rated product on all social media platforms.
Satisfaction is guaranteed.
Tun Up Hot Sauce
It's Just That Good...